Love Spells


Pick a spell

To Remove Dark or Heavy Energies from a Relationship

Love Spells

The Spell


Cut ten strips of black ribbon or string that is easily burnable. Place the strips in your left hand and with your right hand, take them and put them in a fire-safe container with some sage. Burn them safely and scatter the cold ashes far, far away from your house.

To Find New Friends

Love Spells

The Spell


Get some clover and yellow rose petals, a piece of lapis lazuli, and a blue pouch or bag. Get a white candle and carve your full name and birthdate into it. Light it and put the clover, petals, and lapis in the pouch or bag as you recite:

Friends of mine come to me
Friends of mine forever be
Bring those who enhance my life
Who will keep me blessed in times of strife
The highest friendships now come to me
As I will so mote it be.

Place the pouch under your pillow for seven consecutive nights and then keep it in your purse or pocket during the day for seven more consecutive days.

To Dream of Your True Love

Love Spells

The Spell


To see the face of your true love, place a pouch containing lovage, rose hips, and hops under your pillow on a Friday night during a waxing moon.

To Smooth the Road During Rough Times in a Relationship

Love Spells

The Spell


Things have maybe been a little rocky? Bring in some smoother energy with this. Get a white candle and a container in which you can safely burn a little dried sage, rosemary, and basil. Dress a High John the Conquerer root with the cold ashes and place the root under your mattress. If you don’t sleep with your partner, at least get them to sit on the bed with you for a while.

To Remove a Third Party/Interference from Your Relationship

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To Break up a Couple

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To help You Break Up with Someone

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It can be hard to give the bad news or to leave someone you know you have to leave. Get some rosemary and/or yarrow, an orange candle or candles, and a carnelian, then take a sacred bath. Ritualize your bath knowing you are instilling courage to take action. Light the orange candle or candles and add a bit (you don’t need a lot) of rosemary or/and yarrow to the bathwater, as well as the carnelian. (Carnelians do not like salt water FYI, they will get ruined.) As you soak (no longer than 20 minutes please!), visualize yourself breaking up with your partner in a loving way. Keep the carnelian on you during the day and sleep with it near you or even under your pillow at night. Have it with you when you have the break-up talk.

For an Easy Breakup/Divorce

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To Bring in a Soulmate

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To Bring a Love to See You

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Long distance love? Or maybe they just aren’t coming around as often as you’d like. Get a photo of your love, a heart-shaped box, some rose petals, and a rose quartz. Place all the items in the box and by the light of a waxing moon, bury or place the box as close to your front door as you can.

To Wrap up Unfinished Business with Old Love

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To Remove Blocks in Love

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To Reverse a Love Spell

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To Foster Romance

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The Spell

So you want to up the romance quotient? We can do that. All pink everythang first of all. Pink candles, pink roses, pink crystals or gems or stones. Get three to six pink candles, some pink roses or rose petals, some rose water or oil, some rose quartz, and a jar of water that has been charged under both a new moon and a full moon. On a Friday during a waxing moon, anoint the candles with the rose water or oil and light them. By the light of the candles, place the rose quartz in the jar of charged water and concentrate on your visions of romance. Do this for at least twelve minutes. Reserve half the water in a container for drinking, and place the rose water or oil into the other half. Each Friday, drink a bit of the water reserved for drinking, and place the water with the rose water/oil on your neck or wrists like perfume. As you do so, concentrate on your visions of romance.

To Remove/Resolve Love Karma

Love Spells

The Spell


You keep having the same thing happen over and over again. Either you can’t cut ties with someone or you find yourself in the same situation with different partners. You will need a black candle, a bottle/box/what-have-you of black pepper, and a very long length of black ribbon. On a Saturday night during a waning moon, anoint the black candle with three drops of patchouli oil. Take your black ribbon and cut it into six equal-sized strips. Tie the strips together to make a tic-tac-toe sort of square. For the next five consecutive Saturdays, anoint and light the candle and untie one strip each night until all the strips are untied. Each Saturday that you do this, take the black pepper you used in the ritual and use it to season your food.

To Heal Past LifeLove Sh*t

Love Spells

The Spell


Past life merry-go-round got you down? We have something for that too. Sometimes we are unable to get who or what we want in love due to things that happened in a past life, or we end up doing the same things over and over again. Here’s how you clear it.

On a Wednesday closest to the full moon, by the light of the moon, gather seven sprigs of rosemary, ten bay leaves, three cloves, and a pinch of salt. Place the items in a bag or a pouch made of red or pink velvet or silk. Wear this talisman around your neck for nine days straight. On the ninth day, remove the items from the pouch and safely burn them along with some sage (and if you like cedar leaf and white willow bark). Repeat this as you do so:

Threads of my path unwind
Threads to my past unbind
No longer will I tread this way
I have changed my past today.

To Secure a Relationship

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To Bring Back Passion

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To Bring In New Love

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To Make Someone Notice You

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You’re into someone but they don’t seem to know you’re alive. Get a candle. Any color will do, but purple is a favorite for this type of thing. Write that person’s full name and birthdate on a piece of paper, any color will do. Below that write this, and as you write it, say it aloud:

(Name of Person)
Your eyes will see me
Your ears will hear me
Your mind will know me
We will speak.

Place the paper in a Bible next to Song of Solomon 2:16.

To Get Someone to Call/Text orCommunicate with You

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To Help Someone Gently Release you after a Breakup

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To Help Process a Break Up

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To Draw Someone Toward You

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To Draw True Love to You

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To Make Someone Love You

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The Spell

To Release an Old Love

Love Spells

The Spell


If you have trouble letting go of an old love, get a piece of white paper and in black ink write your full name and birthdate at the top, and your old love’s full name and birthdate at the bottom. Leave considerable space in between. Mark the exact middle between both names and fold the paper twice from the top and twice from the bottom, so the ends meet at the middle line. Get a black candle and carve into it the full name, birthdate, and zodiac symbol of your old love, then also carve on the candle the phrase I release three times. Light the candle.

Cut the paper in half, take the half with your old lover’s name on it, and safely burn it using the flame from the black candle. Let the candle burn out. Take the half with your own name on it and put it under your pillow for three full moons. After the third full moon, you may discard it.

To Get an Old Love to Release You

Love Spells

The Spell


If you feel like an old love is having trouble letting go of you, and you want them to be free, get some burnable string or twine, some sandalwood, and sage. Light a black candle and repeat the following aloud once:

I cut the tie from you and I
No longer are we bound
I remove myself from your life
I will not be found.
The ties that bind now are broken
As these words by me are spoken
The ties that bind now are broken
As these words by me are spoken
The ties that bind now are broken
As these words by me are spoken

Cut the length of twine or string in half and safely burn both halves with the sandalwood and sage. Dispose of the cold ashes in the wind.

To Banish an Ex

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